Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Quick Recap:::..

It's already the first day of the spring semester! Holy cow, where did my break go? Oh, yeah, five weeks of being sick, two holidays and a large family visiting for a few days that's where..

I had two sinus infections back to back. It was a thrill a minute! But I did get a lot of pleasure reading done which was a nice break from text books. Sadly I was only able to get together with two friends over break but oh well. I had been kinda bummed about being sick all break and then one of my friends put a new spin on it.. She thought that maybe it was God slowing me down so that I could finally have some time just to rest and do nothing else.. I'm always busy doing something even my summers are filled with events. And it was like God laid me up for a few weeks just to rest so that I could be ready for whatever is coming my way!

Don't tell my Mom but I might kinda, maybe, sorta, actually be excited about the writing class I'm taking this semester.. But Shhh. Don't tell her!

Strangely enough I didn't get all that I wanted to accomplish over break finished but I feel ready for school to start back. I just have to keep focused on God and all will be fine.

1 comment:

Mom Of Many said...

Hi Ashley,
Just wanted to stop by and thank you for joining in the friends at A Place Called Simplicity...such a blessing to our hearts.

I love the picture on your blog of the woman in front of the subway/train....

And I do love that you think you might enjoy the writing class....I bet you will - bloggers usually do like to write! =)

Blessings from Colorado,