Well, I'm starting to write a little later than I wanted to. Mostly because I've become impossibly addicted to reading a blog my Mom showed me last week. Bad thing is when I start reading it I can't stop with just one. It's kinda like bite sized candy; it's great to think that you can eat just one but if your being honest with yourself, you know that's not going to happen!
This morning is the beginning of a very long two days. I've yet to understand why instructors give a little bit of homework over the weekend and then decide that they are going to dog pile you sometimes during the week days. Like they think theirs is the only class your attending. Oh well, God will get me through this three ring circus.
Speaking of three ring circus. Mom and I found that one should be wiser than to go to the grocery store after church on Superbowl Sunday! That is what the first picture is.. A lovely picture of all the chaos that enveloped the store.
Just recently I discovered something while sitting in Human Development.. We were having a class discussion about ethnicity, which from what my teacher says includes personal life styles. She was making it a point to enlighten the class that homosexuals are almost entirely a new ethnic grouping that we have to be sensitive to. Along of course with everything else. After all we wouldn't want to make anyone feel alienated so we must be "all inclusive".
But that is when it dawned on me. No longer is a college student, holding onto Judaic Christian values part of the majority. Only after the instructor talked about alternative life styles did I become startlingly aware, that no longer is it people separate from Biblical values living alternative life styles, but me. Now days in society I am living an alternative life style. Because I am still walking down the same path my parents lead me to when I was a small child I am the social out cast. After mauling this over for a while I realized that it actually says that in the Bible.
John 15:18-20 (NIV) "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also."
The more I trust and follow Him the more of a social stigma I will have. Look at Christ, my savior, the Pharisees didn't crucify him because they thought he was a swell guy. They crucified Him because he rubbed the wrong way across the grain of society. They don't really hate me but the world hates the one I call Father.
On Sunday when my family got to church we all took notice that the church sign had been taken down. We thought that maybe it was to refurbish it seeing that is getting kinda old. But after a few minutes we found out that was not the case. They took it down because someone tagged it writing. "Satan, with a swastika on one side" and "Santan yes, santan and 666" on the other. I will admit I laughed that who ever it was couldn't spell Satan correctly, that held a funny irony. But it just comes to show that Christian majority rule in this great country of mine is over. Pray, pray for this mixing pot of a nation we live in that God would once again be in the middle of it.
That is my soap box for the day. :)
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