Saturday, November 1, 2008


It is yet to be six in the morning and I am up, dressed, make-up is on and there is a coffee cup full of liquid goodness sitting beside me. Some one should be proud of me. I'm not sure who, but some one. I have to leave by seven to get to work at seven forty-five and I wanted some prayer time and to blog a little. I've been praying over the last day that God would tell me what to put in this next blog because it is the start to my lesson that I'm having to teach at Bible Institute so, you poor people who are subjected to reading my blog get to be my guinea pigs for a lesson I'm having to prepare.

I have a tendency any ways to pray for guidance about what to blog about BUT the folks at Bible Institute aren't exactly my usual crowd that consists of kids and twenty year old girls. For the past week I have sat staring at this verse, just kind of hoping God would rain down a shower of enlightenment on me. Of course God in His infinite wisdom knew in eternity past where I would be at this point in my life and so strangely enough this verse is very applicable to me and my current situation. Isn't that entertaining how God does that? He gives me a verse that I am required to teach on that is incredibly blunt about the action I should take even when the road in front of me looks as whopper jawed as it's has been lately.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE him, and he will make your paths straight.

After looking at that verse I decided that the best thing to do would be to look up the definition of acknowledge. Just straight up what the Webster dictionary says, and I thought it was interesting:

Main Entry: ac·knowl·edge

1: to recognize the rights, authority, or status of
2: to disclose knowledge of or agreement with
3 a: to express gratitude or obligation for
b: to take notice of
c: to make known the receipt of
4: to recognize as genuine or valid

We are all guilty of looking over some attribute of God that is calling us to faithfully place our trust in him. But being human we are sure that our own pathetic human nature can take care of our issues just fine.

After coming to a conclusion of what Acknowledge means you can start asking yourself some questions.

· Do I recognize the rights, authority and statues of God?

· Am I honestly disclosing/telling God all there is to know about me and what is
goingon in my life? In other words am I having the right type of prayer life?

· Have I acknowledged God's son, God's ultimate gift to me?

· Am I paying attention to God?

· Do I except His love letter to me as His true unchanged word?

· Is God Himself valid to me, am I accrediting my relationship with Him as true and

All of the questions in the bulletins above could be answered yes, if you are filled with the Holy Spirit which is a product of faith.

So it could be read.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways have faith in Him, and he will make your paths straight.

Strange how your definition of a verse changes when one word is put into it’s place.

Right now I’m going through first and second Samuel with my class on Sunday. It took praying for a while before God guided me to teach about the life of David. David’s life stood out to me because most of the kids in my class come from troubled families. That might sound like a weird reason to pick to study David but David’s family is one of great dysfunction. David himself didn’t always trust God BUT when ever he clearly saw he walked away from God he came right back to Him; and was considered a man after God’s own heart at the end of his life.

David wrote some of my favorite Psalms. After trying to solve problems both with and without God he wrote this.

Psalm 37:5 (New Century Version) Depend on the Lord; trust him, and he will take care of you.

In my own life I have seen God be tried and true. David saw it in both his life and the lives of the great men that trusted God before him.

Psalm 22:4-5 (New Century Version) our ancestors trusted you; they trusted, and you saved them. They called to you for help and were rescued. They trusted you and were not disappointed.

No matter what you place in God’s hands you can take assurance that it will be resolved in a way that will both bring Him honor and glory and will be the best for you.
Now I can see that the passages in proverbs are words to live by. God can lead you down any path, no matter the obstacles and yet you still have the fruits of the spirit in your life because you trust Him with where your final destination will be.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways have faith in Him, and he will make your paths straight.

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